Thursday, 14 August 2008


Update on Brenda my sister, she had some heart problems yesterday but medication took care of the problem and today they took her off the medication. They have washed out the wound on her left shoulder several times and will continue to do so until around Thursday or Friday when they will stitch up the wound. She is still in an induced coma and will be probably until Monday or Tuesday of next week. They are to x-ray her back tomorrow - she is having problems lifting her left leg. She also has two broken ribs. The doctors says that she is a little better today than she was yesterday. Please keep her in your prayers. Bro. Paul

1 comment:

  1. All the brethren at Bethel will have brother Paul's sister in our prayers, i also would like to say that in troubled times like these God sometimes seems far away. But when this seems so, that's when he is closer with you to comfort you in your time of trouble. May the good Lord watch over all of you and keep you in His tender care, until the next appointed time....Amen
